MielSped Customs Agency is a customs broker that performs customs representation before the Customs Agency

MielSped Customs Agency is a customs broker that performs customs representation before the Customs Agency

Митническа агенция МиелСпед Пловдив

Митническа Агенция МиелСпед


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Our customs agency provides comprehensive customs service, consultations on customs issues, security for transit, preparation of transport and customs documents.

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Митническа агенция МиелСпед


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Do not hesitate to ask for different customs services, consultation and processing of your customs or transport documents! We offer warehousing of goods in our own customs warehouse in Plovdiv. Customs declaration, EORI number, Transit and other services.

Митническа Агенция МиелСпед


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MielSped is authorized by the Customs Agency to open and manage a temporary warehouse in which different goods can be placed under the customs regime established by the Customs Act. The temporary warehouse is covered by a bank guarantee.

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Митническа Агенция МиелСпед


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Transit of goods under customs control inland. Development of transport schemes tailored to the loads and individual requirements of our customers. International forwarding.
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Митническа Агенция МиелСпед


Our customs agency provides comprehensive customs service, consultations on customs issues, security for transit, preparation of transport and customs documents.
Митническа агенция МиелСпед


Do not hesitate to ask for different customs services, consultation and processing of your customs or transport documents! We offer warehousing of goods in our own customs warehouse in Plovdiv. Customs declaration, EORI number, Transit and other services.
Митническа Агенция МиелСпед


MielSped is authorized by the Customs Agency to open and manage a temporary warehouse in which different goods can be placed under the customs regime established by the Customs Act. The temporary warehouse is covered by a bank guarantee.
Митническа Агенция МиелСпед


Transit of goods under customs control inland. Development of transport schemes tailored to the loads and individual requirements of our customers. International forwarding.

Latest news

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Customs Officers in Ruse Seize Over 3.5 Tons of Cigarette Filter Paper

Customs officers from the Ruse Customs Directorate seized a large amount of cigarette filter paper, branded with the logo of a well-known brand. On October 24, 2024, at around 1:15 PM, at the Danube Bridge border checkpoint in Ruse, they stopped a truck driven by a Bulgarian citizen en route from Bulgaria to the Czech ... 🡆

A large quantity of smuggled cigarettes, declared as socks, was found by the customs officers at MP Capitán Andreevo

The vehicle was selected for a thorough customs inspection, including an X-ray, which revealed suspicious densities in the cargo.

Nearly 4 kg of gold and silver jewellery were detained by the customs officers at the Captain Andreyevo customs port

Nearly 4 kg of gold and silver jewellery were detained by the customs officers at the Captain Andreyevo customs port

Office Plovdiv

Office 217, 32A Kuklensko shose str.
+359 888 928 526
+359 32 235 315

Митническа агенция МиелСпед Пловдив

Митническа агенция МиелСпед Пловдив

Office Bugras

1 „Knyaz Alexander Batenberg“ str.
+359 888 928 535
+359 888 928 523

Митническо представителство Бургас

Митническо представителство Бургас

Customs warehouse Plovdiv

15 Kuklensko shose str.
+359 889 594 466

Transport and forwarding

Office 217, 32A Kuklensko shose str.
+359 888 928 521
Central Office

Office 217, 32A Kuklensko shose str.

+359 888 928 526
+359 32 235 315

Customs warehouse

15 Kuklensko shose str.

+359 889 594 466

Office Burgas

1 „Knyaz Alexander Batenberg“ str.

+359 888 928 535
359 888 928 523

Transport and forwarding

Office 217, 32A Kuklensko shose str.

+359 888 928 521

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